Mom and Dad,
I am writing you this letter because I have something very important that I want to tell you and I want to get this out right. Before you worry,
everything is OK. In fact, I am more than alright.
I know this may come as a bit of a shock to you (or maybe not). I love both of you so much. What I want to tell you is that I am gay. Before either
of you have the chance to blame yourselves, I need you to understand that this has nothing to do with the way that I was raised or with you as
I have been struggling with this for years and a have finally come to terms with who I truly am. I know that you may have imagined a different life
for me, and I cannot help but imagine that there is some disappointment. But things (equal rights) are changing for the better every day. Maybe
you are you thinking to yourselves, “Gay children are something other people have, but not us.” That’s okay. I don’t expect you to come around
immediately. You can still love me and have trouble initially accepting who I love. What I do need for you to understand is that this was not a
choice. It is who I am.
I am sorry that I am writing this in a letter. It is not because I feel that I cannot talk about my feelings to you directly, but because I believe that
I will be able to better express my thoughts through my words written on paper. I understand that all of this information may be overwhelming
and quite a bit for you to take in, and I’m sorry if this causes you any unnecessary stress, but I’m tired of living according to what others think is the
right way to live. I've had years to think about this, and I have accepted myself as a gay woman.
I thought if I met the ‘right’ man I would fall in love, marry, etc. After some time of soul searching I HAVE discovered what I am really looking for.
My relationship with Justin was nice, I was sure that what I felt towards him was the kind of love that is felt between two individuals in a healthy
relationship. And I’ll admit that I might have pushed myself into the relationship because I was desperate to find love. Even though at times I was
happy, I more often than not, felt lost. I so desperately wanted us to work and to be able to live “happily ever after,” but in the end neither of us
could force it or fake it anymore. There was no electricity or magic. I felt alone, even though I was with someone who cared about me.
I don’t know why it took me this long to come to the realization that I am gay and I am not going to look back and ask why. It is just the way that
it happened and the way that I have always seemed to do things. My situation is not unique. There are a number of people who later in life who
discover their genuine self and realize that it is never too late to be happy.
I know society often argues that homosexuality is wrong because of what the Bible says. Leviticus may say that homosexuality is a sin which is
punishable by death, and we seem to accept the idea that homosexuality is still a sin today. Yet, Leviticus also says that it is a sin to have children
that are disobedient, to wear clothes of mingled fibers, to cut your hair or beard, or to touch/eat any sort of shellfish. Matthew says that divorce
is a sin of sexual immortality. Some of these sins are said to be punishable by death (including cursing your mother or father). These are laughable
notions this day in age so why would we view loving someone of the same sex any differently?
I love you both, with all of my heart, and I hope that you both can find it in yourselves to continue to love and support me, even if you don't
approve. I have so many worries rushing though my head and heart right now. I’m terrified of being pushed out of your lives. I’m worried about
hurting or disappointing you. Mostly though, I hope that you will accept me and love me no matter what.
You have told me that you are proud of me and I have grown up to be a good person, daughter, niece, cousin and friend. I hope you still feel this
way. I am the same person as before. Nothing else has changed. This is very hard for me to do, and I hope you will forgive me for not telling you
sooner. Please know that I would never do anything to purposely hurt you, and that I want nothing less than to make you happy and proud. I am
still the exact same person who helps Mom pack her suitcase for trips and who watches and loves the pups while you are out of town. I’m still the
same daughter who painted Dad’s garden rocks and helped when he had his shoulder surgeries. I’m the same Brooke that y’all have always known
and loved.
I am sure you both will have many questions to ask of me; and I assure you, I don't have all or even most of the answers. I understand if you need
some time, I have taken years to come to terms and make peace with this. So, I completely respect if you need some time to think things through.
I love you both so very much.
Love Always,
'Hope will never be silent' - Harvey Milk
I created this blog as a space for other members of the LGBTQIA community to post and share their stories of love. These stories are just as valid and important and have every right to be shared and viewed. Although progress is being made in the realm of LGTBQI rights, there is still a long way to go. In order to reduce the negative stigma associated with the LGTBQIA community, exposure is a must!
Despite the progress towards equality in recent years, there is still much hate and discrimination present in the world. I thought that it would be nice for people to see that despite unequal treatment that is still so common in American society, happiness is indeed possible.
Caveat: This blog was not created to "fight the man" and force equality in American society; rather these stories have been posted to give people hope that love in the LGTBQIA is right and okay. Furthermore, this blog was created to honor the stories of everyday people who are often ignored and remind people that love is the same, no matter the couple.
** If you have a story that you'd like to share, please email me at:
Despite the progress towards equality in recent years, there is still much hate and discrimination present in the world. I thought that it would be nice for people to see that despite unequal treatment that is still so common in American society, happiness is indeed possible.
Caveat: This blog was not created to "fight the man" and force equality in American society; rather these stories have been posted to give people hope that love in the LGTBQIA is right and okay. Furthermore, this blog was created to honor the stories of everyday people who are often ignored and remind people that love is the same, no matter the couple.
** If you have a story that you'd like to share, please email me at: